Mouse Anti-Arginylation Antibody from

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Mouse Anti-Arginylation Antibody

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The Mouse Anti-Arginylation Antibody from is a Mouse Monoclonal antibody. This antibody recognizes Human, Mouse, Rat, Amoeba/Protozoa, Bacteria/Archaea, Bovine, C. elegans/Worm, Canine, Chicken/Bird, Donkey, Drosophila/Arthropod, Feline, Goat, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Horse, Mollusc, Non-Human Primate, Plant, Porcine, Reptile, Rabbit, Sheep, Virus, Xenopus/Amphibian, Yeast/Fungi, Zebrafish/Fish, Other Invertebrate, and Other Mammalian antigen. The Mouse Anti-Arginylation Antibody has been validated for the following applications: Western Blot.


Protein arginylation is the post-translational addition of arginine to proteins by arginyltransferase ATE1. Arginylation of proteins has been found to play an essential role in physiological pathways during embryogenesis and adulthood (1). Arginylation has also been shown to regulate cell stress responses, including ER stress, cytosolic misfolded proteins, and heat stress (2)